Editorial Policy
South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology follows a double-blind peer-reviewed editorial policy ensuring that both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. This policy aims to minimize any types of bias (e.g., based on gender, institution, or reputation, geographic location) and maintain the integrity of the review process. Before sending to reviewers, manuscripts are typically stripped of any identifying information. Reviewers are selected based on expertise in the subject area of the manuscript who provide constructive feedback, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. They evaluate the manuscript's originality, methodology, validity, and contribution to the field. A manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers. This process ensures unbiased and fair evaluation. The editor considers the reviewers' recommendations while making a final decision (e.g., acceptance, revision, or rejection). Feedback is conveyed to the authors, often consolidated and anonymized by the editor.