Physico-chemical quality assessment of ultra high temperature sterilized milk and milk products in Western Algeria


  • Elhassan Benyagoub Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Es-Senia University of Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria
  • Mohammed Ayat Laboratory Quality Analysis, Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria
  • Djamila Belarbi Groupe GIPLAIT, self Laboratory of Dairy subsidiary El-Amir, Tizi-Mascara (29000), Mascara, Algeria



The present study focused on the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality assessment of samples including ultra-high-temperature (UHT) sterilized milk, melted cheese and yoghurt, collected from dairy product factories in western Algeria. Hazards identification and development of a quality man-agement standard for these subsidiaries were established. The physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of products analyzed was satisfactory, with the exception of 20% of the samples of fruity yoghurts where the titrat-able acidity was relatively high 1.337 ± 0.143%. Prerequisite programs (PRP) established will prevent the occurrence of hazards microbiological origin, which confirms the fact that hygiene measures are the best safety assurance. The hazard analysis of the production process of yoghurt and cheese allowed us to determine their causes, preventive measures for certain sensitive stages where hazards can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels, the de-termination of critical points for mastery (CCP) and operational prerequisite programs (PRPo), establishing critical limits, and monitoring plans. Awareness actions and information on potential risks are essential for consumers.

Author Biographies

Elhassan Benyagoub, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Es-Senia University of Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria

Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Es-Senia University of Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria

Mohammed Ayat, Laboratory Quality Analysis, Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria

Laboratory Quality Analysis, Oran (31000), Oran, Algeria

Djamila Belarbi, Groupe GIPLAIT, self Laboratory of Dairy subsidiary El-Amir, Tizi-Mascara (29000), Mascara, Algeria

Groupe GIPLAIT, self Laboratory of Dairy subsidiary El-Amir, Tizi-Mascara (29000), Mascara, Algeria






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